Thursday, October 30, 2008

Software Training

I am really excited. For months I have been trying to work with the girl in Human Resources here to get computer training off the ground. Someone from my church sent training software. Its great because it does not depend on me to be here. HR girl has been dragging her feet. She wanted me to do everything and I only wanted to empower her to do it herself. What good is a one time training when they have the power to train themselves and anyone new that they hire?

Every time someone in the office asks me for help I have been telling them about this software we have. They finally demanded it from me and I have made copies for all of the departments! The accounting off just came to me and said they installed it and are going to start using it tomorrow!!! I am so excited!

We bypassed the HR bottle neck and they are on their way to self computer training! I created a buzz to get the staff interested and an assignment to really test their knowledge. I will of course help them when they need it. Knowing MS office will help ease the work load they are under!

It has only taken 6 months for things to finally come together!

1 comment:

Beth said...

All in African time :)